Abstract This paper numerically demonstrates synchronization and bidirectional communication without delay line by using two semiconductor lasers with strong mutual injection in a face-to-face configuration. These results show that both of the two lasers' outputs synchronize with their input chaotic carriers. In addition, simulations demonstrate that this kind of synchronization can be used to realize bidirectional communications without delay line. Further studies indicate that within a small deviation in message amplitudes of two sides (±6%), the message can be extracted with signal-noise-ratio more than 10 dB; and the signal-noise-ratio is extremely sensitive to the message rates mismatch of two sides, which may be used as a key of bidirectional communication.
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60577019 and 60777041) and the International Cooperation Project of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2007081019).
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Li Guang-Hui (李光辉), Wang An-Bang (王安帮), Feng Ye (冯野), Wang Yang (汪洋) Synchronization and bidirectional communication without delay line using strong mutually coupled semiconductor lasers 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 070515
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