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Chinese Physics, 2003, Vol. 12(4): 377-380    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/12/4/306
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Stochastic resonance in parabolic-bistable potential system with an additive colour noise

Liang Gui-Yun (梁贵云)ab
National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100012, China;  Laboratory of Optical Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100080, China
Abstract  We propose a new model (parabolic bistable system) with a colour noise source. In the presence of periodic input signal, we investigate the output signal to-noise ratio and the power spectral density of output signal, in which the self-correlation time may be an arbitrary value with no restriction. We find that the curves of signal-to-noise ratio versus the noise intensity D exhibits a bell-shape behaviour. The peak height increases with the increasing value of amplitude A0 of the input signal. However, the position of peak does not shift. Moreover, the signal-to-noise ratio is insensitive to the modulation frequency $\varOmega$, which completely differs from result of Ref.[6]. The power spectral density also has similar behaviour.
Keywords:  stochastic resonance      parabolic-bistable potential      signal-to-noise ratio  
Received:  18 October 2002      Revised:  25 November 2002      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  05.40.Ca (Noise)  
  02.50.Ey (Stochastic processes)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 19975020).

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Liang Gui-Yun (梁贵云) Stochastic resonance in parabolic-bistable potential system with an additive colour noise 2003 Chinese Physics 12 377

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