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Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition), 1999, Vol. 8(5): 321-325    DOI: 10.1088/1004-423X/8/5/001
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Zhang Shao-guang (张劭光)ab, Ouyang Zhong-can (欧阳钟灿)b
a Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; b Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Abstract  Through the complete analysis of the solution for one dimensional bilayer membranes, it has been shown that under the Helfrich spontaneous curvature model, periodic shapes only exist in the case of $\overline{Δp}$ = 0. The undulation modes under force balance which correspond to positive, negative and zero tensile stresses have been given.
Received:  28 July 1998      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  87.16.D- (Membranes, bilayers, and vesicles)  
  87.14.Cc (Lipids)  
  87.15.La (Mechanical properties)  
Fund: Project supported by the Nonlinear Science Foundation of Institute of Theoretical Physics, China (Grant No. 98K103).

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Zhang Shao-guang (张劭光), Ouyang Zhong-can (欧阳钟灿) UNDULATION MODES IN BILAYER MEMBRANES 1999 Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition) 8 321

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