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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(12): 127103    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad7c2a

Janus monolayers Fe2SSeX2 (X =Ga, In, and Tl): Robust nontrivial topology with high Chern number

Kang Jia(贾康)1,2, Xiao-Jing Dong(董晓晶)1, Pei-Ji Wang(王培吉)1, and Chang-Wen Zhang(张昌文)1,2,†
1 School of Physics and Technology, Institute of Spintronics, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China;
2 School of Physics and Physical Engineering, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, China
Abstract  High-performance quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) systems are crucial materials for exploring emerging quantum physics and magnetic topological phenomena. Inspired by layered FeSe materials with excellent superconducting properties, the Janus monolayers Fe$_{2}$SSe$X_{2}$ ($X ={\rm Ga}$, In and Tl) are built by the decoration of Ga, In and Tl atoms in monolayer Fe$_{2}$SSe. In first-principles calculations, Fe$_{2}$SSe$X_{2}$ have stable structures and prefer ferromagnetic (FM) ordering, and can be considered as Weyl semimetals without spin-orbit coupling. For out-of-plane (OOP) magnetic anisotropy, large nontrivial gaps are opened and the Fe$_{2}$SSe$X_{2}$ are predicted to be large-gap QAH insulators with a high Chern number $C = 2$, proved by two chiral edge states and Berry curvature. When the magnetization is flipped, the two chiral edge states can be simultaneously changed and $C =-2$ can be obtained, revealing the fascinating behavior of chiral spin-edge state locking. It is found that the QAH properties of Fe$_{2}$SSe$X_{2}$ are robust against strain. In particular, nontrivial topological quantum states can spontaneously appear for Fe$_{2}$SSeGa$_{2}$ and Fe$_{2}$SSeIn$_{2}$ because the orientations of the easy magnetic axis are adjusted from in-plane to OOP by the biaxial strain. Our studies provide excellent candidate systems to realize QAH properties with a high Chern number, and suggest more experimental explorations combining superconductivity and topology.
Keywords:  Weyl semimetal      high Chern number      chiral spin-edge state locking      robust  
Received:  29 May 2024      Revised:  15 September 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  18 September 2024
PACS:  71.15.-m (Methods of electronic structure calculations)  
  75.30.Gw (Magnetic anisotropy)  
  85.75.-d (Magnetoelectronics; spintronics: devices exploiting spin polarized transport or integrated magnetic fields)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 52173283 and 62071200), Taishan Scholar Program of Shandong Province (Grant No. ts20190939), and Independent Cultivation Program of Innovation Team of Jinan City (Grant No. 2021GXRC043).
Corresponding Authors:  Chang-Wen Zhang     E-mail:

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Kang Jia(贾康), Xiao-Jing Dong(董晓晶), Pei-Ji Wang(王培吉), and Chang-Wen Zhang(张昌文) Janus monolayers Fe2SSeX2 (X =Ga, In, and Tl): Robust nontrivial topology with high Chern number 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 127103

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