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Chin. Phys. B, 2021, Vol. 30(9): 096806    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac1e22

Atomic and electronic structures of p-type dopants in 4H-SiC

Lingyan Lu(卢玲燕)1,†, Han Zhang(张涵)2,†, Xiaowei Wu(吴晓维)2, Jing Shi(石晶)1,‡, and Yi-Yang Sun(孙宜阳)2,§
1 Department of Physics, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China;
2 State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201899, China
Abstract  Using hybrid density functional calculation, we study the atomic and electronic structures of p-type dopants, B, Al and Ga, in 4H-SiC. For B, depending on the growth condition, it can occupy both Si and C sites. In contrast, Al and Ga on the C sites exhibit too high formation energy to exist in a significant amount. In 4H-SiC, there exist two types of Si sites in wurtzite-like and zincblende-like local coordination, respectively. Our calculations suggest that the dopant atoms have negligible preference occupying the two sites. In neutral charge state, all the dopants exhibit significant distortions from the structure in the negatively charged state. For most cases, our calculations yield three distorted structures, in which the most stable one has the dopant atom displaced along its bond with one of the surrounding equatorial Si or C atoms, lowering the C3v symmetry to Cs symmetry (i.e., a mirror symmetry only). Among the three dopant elements, Al on Si sites exhibits overall the lowest formation energy and the shallowest acceptor level. Nevertheless, it is not a hydrogenic dopant with the acceptor level 0.12 eV above the valence band maximum based on calculation using a 400-atom supercell. Its corresponding defect state exhibits apparent localization along the [0001] direction, but it is relatively delocalized in the (0001) plane.
Keywords:  wide band gap semiconductors      p-type doping      SiC      density functional theory  
Received:  07 July 2021      Revised:  26 July 2021      Accepted manuscript online:  17 August 2021
PACS:  68.55.Ln (Defects and impurities: doping, implantation, distribution, concentration, etc.)  
  71.15.Mb (Density functional theory, local density approximation, gradient and other corrections)  
Corresponding Authors:  Jing Shi, Yi-Yang Sun     E-mail:;

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Lingyan Lu(卢玲燕), Han Zhang(张涵), Xiaowei Wu(吴晓维), Jing Shi(石晶), and Yi-Yang Sun(孙宜阳) Atomic and electronic structures of p-type dopants in 4H-SiC 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 096806

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