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Chin. Phys. B, 2011, Vol. 20(7): 074301    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/20/7/074301

The diffracted sound field from the transition region of an axisymmetric body in water

Li Xue-Gang(黎雪刚), Yang Kun-De(杨坤德), Wang Yong(汪勇)
College of Marine, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
Abstract  Understanding the physical features of the diffracted sound field on the surface of an axisymmetric body is important for predicting the self-noise of a sonar mounted on an underwater platform. The diffracted sound field from the transition region of an axisymmetric body was calculated by the geometrical theory of diffraction. The diffraction ray between the source point and the receiving point on the surface of an axisymmetric body was calculated by using the dynamic programming method. Based on the diffracted sound field, a simulation scheme for the noise correlation of the conformal array was presented. It was shown that the normalized pressure of the diffracted sound field from the transition region reduced with the increases of the frequency and the curvature of the ray. The flow noises of two models were compared and a rather optimum fore-body geometric shape was given. Furthermore, it was shown that the correlation of the flow noise in the low frequencies was stronger than that in the high frequencies. And the flow noise received by the acoustic array on the curved surface had a stronger correlation than that on the head plane at the designed center frequency, which is important for sonar system design.
Keywords:  diffracted sound field      flow noise      uniform geometric theory of diffraction      correlation  
Received:  18 January 2011      Revised:  01 March 2011      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  43.30.Nb (Noise in water; generation mechanisms and characteristics of the field)  
  43.30.Lz (Underwater applications of nonlinear acoustics; explosions)  

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Li Xue-Gang(黎雪刚), Yang Kun-De(杨坤德), Wang Yong(汪勇) The diffracted sound field from the transition region of an axisymmetric body in water 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 074301

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