High precision Zernike modal gray map reconstruction for liquid crystal corrector
Liu Chao(刘超)a)b)†, Mu Quan-Quan(穆全全) a)b), Hu Li-Fa(胡立发)a), Cao Zhao-Liang(曹召良)a), and Xuan Li(宣丽) a)
a State Key Laboratory of Applied Optics, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130033, China; b Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract This paper proposes a new Zernike modal gray map reconstruction algorithm used in the nematic liquid crystal adaptive optics system. Firstly, the new modal algorithm is described. Secondly, a single loop correction experiment was conducted, and it showed that the modal method has a higher precision in gray map reconstruction than the widely used slope method. Finally, the contrast close-loop correction experiment was conducted to correct static aberration in the laboratory. The experimental results showed that the average peak to valley (PV) and root mean square (RMS) of the wavefront corrected by mode method were reduced from 2.501 () and 0.610 to 0.0334 and 0.00845, respectively. The corrected PV and RMS were much smaller than those of 0.173 and 0.048 by slope method. The Strehl ratio and modulation transfer function of the system corrected by mode method were much closer to diffraction limit than with slope method. These results indicate that the mode method can take good advantage of the large number of pixels of the liquid crystal corrector to realize high correction precision.
Fund: Project supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos.~60736042, 60578035
and 50703039) and Science and Technology Cooperation Project between
Chinese Academy of Sciences and Jilin Province (Grant
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Liu Chao(刘超), Mu Quan-Quan(穆全全), Hu Li-Fa(胡立发), Cao Zhao-Liang(曹召良), and Xuan Li(宣丽) High precision Zernike modal gray map reconstruction for liquid crystal corrector 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 064214
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