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Chin. Phys. B, 2025, Vol. 34(3): 030504    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ada7dd
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Impact of the chaotic semiconductor laser output power on time-delay-signature of chaos and random bit generation

Chenpeng Xue(薛琛鹏)1, Wang Xu(王绪)1, Likai Zheng(郑利凯)1, Haoyu Zhang(张昊宇)1, Yanhua Hong2, and Zuxing Zhang(张祖兴)1,†
1 College of Electronic and Optical Engineering and College of Flexible Electronics (Future Technology), Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023, China;
2 School of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangor University, Bangor LL57 1UT, UK
Abstract  We experimentally analyze the effect of the optical power on the time delay signature identification and the random bit generation in chaotic semiconductor laser with optical feedback. Due to the inevitable noise during the photoelectric detection and analog-digital conversion, the varying of output optical power would change the signal to noise ratio, then impact time delay signature identification and the random bit generation. Our results show that, when the optical power is less than $-14 $ dBm, with the decreasing of the optical power, the actual identified time delay signature degrades and the entropy of the chaotic signal increases. Moreover, the extracted random bit sequence with lower optical power is more easily pass through the randomness testing.
Keywords:  chaos      time delay signature      entropy estimation      random bit generation  
Received:  03 December 2024      Revised:  05 January 2025      Accepted manuscript online:  09 January 2025
PACS:  05.45.-a (Nonlinear dynamics and chaos)  
  05.45.Gg (Control of chaos, applications of chaos)  
  05.45.Tp (Time series analysis)  
  05.40.Ca (Noise)  
Fund: Project supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62005129 and 62175116).
Corresponding Authors:  Zuxing Zhang     E-mail:

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Chenpeng Xue(薛琛鹏), Wang Xu(王绪), Likai Zheng(郑利凯), Haoyu Zhang(张昊宇), Yanhua Hong, and Zuxing Zhang(张祖兴) Impact of the chaotic semiconductor laser output power on time-delay-signature of chaos and random bit generation 2025 Chin. Phys. B 34 030504

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