Abstract The structural properties, the enthalpies of formation, and the mechanical properties of some Ni-Al intermetallic compounds (NiAl, Ni3Al, NiAl3, Ni5Al3, Ni3Al4) are studied by using Chen's lattice inversion embedded-atom method (CLI-EAM). Our calculated lattice parameters and cohesive energies of Ni-Al compounds are consistent with the experimental and the other EAM results. The results of enthalpy of formation indicate a strong chemical interaction between Ni and Al in the intermetallic compounds. Through analyzing the alloy elastic constants, we find that all the Ni-Al intermetallic compounds discussed are mechanically stable. The bulk moduli of the compounds increase with the increasing Ni concentration. Our results also suggest that NiAl, Ni3Al, NiAl3, and Ni5Al3 are ductile materials with lower ratios of shear modulus to bulk modulus; while Ni3Al4 is brittle with a higher ratio.
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