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Chin. Phys. B, 2011, Vol. 20(7): 070302    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/20/7/070302
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Spin symmetric solutions of Dirac equation with Pöschl–Teller potential

Ferhat Tacskhin and Gökhan Koccak
Spin symmetric solutions of Dirac equation with Pöschlben Teller potential
Abstract  The approximate analytical solutions of the Dirac equation with the P?schl—Teller potential is presented for arbitrary spin-orbit quantum number $\kappa$ within the framework of the spin symmetry concept. The energy eigenvalues and the corresponding two Dirac spinors are obtained approximately in closed forms. The limiting cases of the energy eigenvalues and the two Dirac spinors are briefly discussed.
Keywords:  Dirac equation      P?schl—Teller potential      spin symmetry   
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PACS:  03.65.Ge (Solutions of wave equations: bound states)  
  03.65.Pm (Relativistic wave equations)  
  34.20.Cf (Interatomic potentials and forces)  

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Ferhat Tacskhin and Gökhan Koccak Spin symmetric solutions of Dirac equation with Pöschl–Teller potential 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 070302

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