Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method for simulating blood flow in aortic arch
Kang Xiu-Ying(康秀英)a)†, Ji Yu-Pin(吉驭嫔)a), Liu Da-He(刘大禾)a), and Jin Yong-Juan(金永娟)b)
a Applied Optics Beijing Area Major Laboratory, Department of Physics,Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; b Institute of Hematology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Tianjin 300020, China
Abstract The three-dimensional (3D) lattice Boltzmann models, 3DQ15, 3DQ19 and 3DQ27, under different wall boundary conditions and lattice resolutions have been investigated by simulating Poiseuille flow in a circular cylinder for a wide range of Reynolds numbers. The 3DQ19 model with improved Fillippova and Hanel (FH) curved boundary condition represents a good compromise between computational efficiency and reliability. Blood flow in an aortic arch is then simulated as a typical haemodynamic application. Axial and secondary fluid velocity and effective wall shear stress profiles in a 180 bend are obtained, and the results also demonstrate that the lattice Boltzmann method is suitable for simulating the flow in 3D large-curved vessels.
Fund: Project supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10274006), and
Education Ministry of China (Grant No 03011).
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Kang Xiu-Ying(康秀英), Ji Yu-Pin(吉驭嫔), Liu Da-He(刘大禾), and Jin Yong-Juan(金永娟) Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method for simulating blood flow in aortic arch 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 1041
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