Theoretical analysis of ion kinetic energies and DLC film deposition by CH4+Ar (He) dielectric barrier discharge plasmas
Liu Yan-Hong(刘艳红)a)†, Zhang Jia-Liang(张家良)a), Ma Teng-Cai(马腾才)a), Li Jian(李建)a), and Liu Dong-Ping(刘东平)b)
a State Key Laboratory of Materials Modification by Laser, Ion and Electron Beams, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China; b Department of Mathematic and Physics, Dalian Nationality University, Dalian 116600, China
Abstract The kinetic energy of ions in dielectric barrier discharge plasmas are analysed theoretically using the model of binary collisions between ions and gas molecules. Langevin equation for ions in other gases, Blanc law for ions in mixed gases, and the two-temperature model for ions at higher reduced field are used to determine the ion mobility. The kinetic energies of ions in CH+Ar(He) dielectric barrier discharge plasma at a fixed total gas pressure and various Ar (He) concentrations are calculated. It is found that with increasing Ar (He) concentration in CH+Ar (He) from 20% to 83%, the CH kinetic energy increases from 69.6 (43.9) to 92.1 (128.5) eV, while the Ar (He kinetic energy decreases from 97 (145.2) to 78.8 (75.5) eV. The increase of CH kinetic energy is responsible for the increase of hardness of diamond-like carbon films deposited by CH+Ar (He) dielectric barrier discharge without bias voltage over substrates.
(Fatigue, corrosion fatigue, embrittlement, cracking, fracture, and failure)
Fund: Project supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10405005).
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Liu Yan-Hong(刘艳红), Zhang Jia-Liang(张家良), Ma Teng-Cai(马腾才), Li Jian(李建), and Liu Dong-Ping(刘东平) Theoretical analysis of ion kinetic energies and DLC film deposition by CH4+Ar (He) dielectric barrier discharge plasmas 2007 Chinese Physics 16 2809
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