Abstract The explicit expressions of energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of bound states for a three-dimensional diatomic molecule oscillator with a hyperbolic potential function are obtained approximately by means of the hypergeometric series method. Then for a one-dimensional system, the rigorous solutions of bound states are solved with a similar method. The eigenfunctions of a one-dimensional diatomic molecule oscillator, expressed in terms of the Jacobi polynomial, are employed as an orthonormal basis set, and the analytic expressions of matrix elements for position and momentum operators are given in a closed form.
Received: 22 April 2005
Revised: 09 August 2005
Accepted manuscript online:
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 90403028).
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Lu Jun (陆军), Qian Hui-Xian (钱卉仙), Li Liang-Mei (李良梅), Liu Feng-Ling (柳凤伶) Rotation and vibration of diatomic molecule oscillator with hyperbolic potential function 2005 Chinese Physics 14 2402
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