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Chin. Phys. B, 2016, Vol. 25(11): 113401    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/25/11/113401

Landau-Zener model for electron loss of low-energy negative fluorine ions to surface cations during grazing scattering on a LiF (001) surface

Wang Zhou(周旺), Meixiao Zhang(张鹛枭), Lihua Zhou(周利华), Hu Zhou(周虎), Yulong Ma(马玉龙), Yanling Guo(郭艳玲), Lin Chen(陈林), Ximeng Chen(陈熙萌)
School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
Abstract  There is no available theoretical description of electron transfer from negative projectiles at a velocity below 0.1 a.u. during grazing scattering on insulating surfaces. In this low-velocity range, electron-capture and electron-loss processes coexist. For electron capture, the Demkov model has been successfully used to explain the velocity dependence of the negative-ion fraction formed from fast atoms during grazing scattering on insulating surfaces. For electron loss, we consider that an electron may be transferred from the formed ionic diabatic quasi-molecular state to the formed covalent diabatic quasi-molecular state by the crossing of the potential curves of negative projectiles approaching the surface cations, which can be described by the Landau-Zener two-energy-level crossing model. Combining these two models, we obtain good agreement between the experimental and calculated data for the F--LiF(001) collision system, which is briefly discussed.
Keywords:  charge transfer      negative ion      grazing scattering      ionic crystal  
Received:  16 January 2016      Revised:  08 July 2016      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  34.35.+a (Interactions of atoms and molecules with surfaces)  
  78.55.Fv (Solid alkali halides)  
  79.20.Rf (Atomic, molecular, and ion beam impact and interactions with surfaces)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11175075, 11405078, 11474140, 11404152, and 11305083).
Corresponding Authors:  Lin Chen, Ximeng Chen     E-mail:;

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Wang Zhou(周旺), Meixiao Zhang(张鹛枭), Lihua Zhou(周利华), Hu Zhou(周虎), Yulong Ma(马玉龙), Yanling Guo(郭艳玲), Lin Chen(陈林), Ximeng Chen(陈熙萌) Landau-Zener model for electron loss of low-energy negative fluorine ions to surface cations during grazing scattering on a LiF (001) surface 2016 Chin. Phys. B 25 113401

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