Charge and spin-dependent thermal efficiency of polythiophene molecular junction in presence of dephasing |
Z. Golsanamlou, M. Bagheri Tagani, H. Rahimpour Soleimani |
Department of Physics, University of Guilan, P. O. Box 41335-1914, Rasht, Iran |
Abstract The charge and spin-dependent thermoelectric properties of different lengths of polythiophene in a molecular junction are investigated using the Büttiker probe method within Green function formalism in linear response regime. The coupling of the molecular chain to three-dimensional ferromagnetic electrodes is described by a tight-binding model for both parallel and antiparallel spin configurations. The decrease of height of transmission probability peaks and thermoelectric coefficients are observed in the presence of the Büttiker probes. The reduction is more intensive in the strong dephased chains. Results show that the spin magnetothermopower is bigger than the charge magnetothermopower due to the larger difference between the spin thermopowers with respect to the charge ones. In addition, we observed that the kind of carriers participating in the thermoelectric transport depends on the number of the thiophene rings.
Received: 23 February 2015
Revised: 06 May 2015
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(Thermoelectric, electrogasdynamic and other direct energy conversion)
(Spin transport effects)
(Nanoscale contacts)
Corresponding Authors:
Z. Golsanamlou, H. Rahimpour Soleimani
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Z. Golsanamlou, M. Bagheri Tagani, H. Rahimpour Soleimani Charge and spin-dependent thermal efficiency of polythiophene molecular junction in presence of dephasing 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 108402
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