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Chin. Phys. B, 2009, Vol. 18(6): 2364-2371    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/6/041

The Similarity of interactions between (3+1)D spatiotemporal optical solitons in both the dispersive medium with cubic-quintic nonlinearity and the saturable medium

Peng Jin-Zhang(彭金璋)a)b), Yang Hong(杨红)a), and Tang Yi(唐翌)b)
a College of Physics Science and Information Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China; b Department of Physics, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China
Abstract  By making use of the split-step Fourier method, this paper numerically simulates dynamical behaviors, including repulsion, fusion, scattering and spiraling of colliding (3+1)D spatiotemporal solitons in both the dispersive medium with cubic-quintic and the saturable medium. Careful comparison of the colliding behaviors in these two media is presented. Although the origin of the nonlinearities is different in these two media, the obtained results show that the dynamical behaviors are very similar. This presents additional evidence to support the supposition of universality of interactions between solitons.
Keywords:  spatiotemporal solitons      cubic-quintic nonlinearity      interactions  
Received:  26 September 2008      Revised:  20 November 2008      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  42.65.Tg (Optical solitons; nonlinear guided waves)  
  42.65.Hw (Phase conjugation; photorefractive and Kerr effects)  
  42.65.Sf (Dynamics of nonlinear optical systems; optical instabilities, optical chaos and complexity, and optical spatio-temporal dynamics)  
Fund: Project supported by the Key Project of the Educational Department of Hunan Province of China (Grant No 04A058), the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province of China (Grant No 05JJ30078) and the Research Project of Jishou University (Grant No 08JDZC002).

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Peng Jin-Zhang(彭金璋), Yang Hong(杨红), and Tang Yi(唐翌) The Similarity of interactions between (3+1)D spatiotemporal optical solitons in both the dispersive medium with cubic-quintic nonlinearity and the saturable medium 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 2364

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