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Chinese Physics, 2006, Vol. 15(1): 108-115    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/1/018

GEANT4 simulation of gamma ray in a double-gap resistive plate chamber

Rhee J. T.a, Jamil M.a, Hall Steveb, Jeon Y. J.c 
a Institute for Advanced Physics, Physics Department, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, Korea; b School of Science and Engineering, Ballarat University, Ballarat,Victoria 3353, Australia; c Department of Chemistry, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, Korea
Abstract  For more than 20 years nuclear physicists have used the GEANT code to simulate particle-matter interaction. In most recent version, GEANT4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles though matter, which contains a complete range of functionality including tracking, geometry, physics models, and hits. In this article, an attempt to use GEANT4 to model a double-gap resistive plate chamber (RPC) with its improved efficiency is presented. The efficiencies of the double-gap RPC have been evaluated as a function of gamma energy range 0.005--1000MeV. A comparison to available previous simulation package GEANT3 data is also performed.
Keywords:  GEANT4      Monte Carlo simulation      efficiency      resistive platechamber  
Received:  08 April 2005      Revised:  14 October 2005      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  29.40.Cs (Gas-filled counters: ionization chambers, proportional, and avalanche counters)  
  29.40.Gx (Tracking and position-sensitive detectors)  
  07.85.Fv (X- and γ-ray sources, mirrors, gratings, and detectors)  
  02.50.Ng (Distribution theory and Monte Carlo studies)  
Fund: Project supported by the Faculty Research Fund of Konkuk University in 2005.

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J. T. Rhee, M. Jamil, Steve Hall, Y. J. Jeon GEANT4 simulation of gamma ray in a double-gap resistive plate chamber 2006 Chinese Physics 15 108

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