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Chinese Physics, 2005, Vol. 14(3): 620-627    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/14/3/035

Eulerian simulation of sedimentation flows in vertical and inclined vessels

Wu Chun-Liang (吴春亮), Zhan Jie-Min (詹杰民)
Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Zhongshan University, Guanzhou 510275, China
Abstract  Sedimentation of particles in inclined and vertical vessels is numerically simulated using a finite volume method where the Eulerian multiphase model is applied. The particulate phase as well as the fluid phase is regarded as a continuum while the viscosity and solid stress of the particulate phase are modelled by the kinetic theory of granular flows. The numerical results show an interesting phenomenon of the emergence of two circulation vortices of the sedimentation flow in a vertical vessel but only one in the inclined vessel. Several sensitivity tests are simulated to understand the factors that influence the dual-vortex flow structure in vertical sedimentation. Results show that a larger fluid viscosity makes the two vortex centres much closer to each other and the boundary layer effect at lateral walls is the key factor to induce this phenomenon. In the fluid boundary layer particles settle down more rapidly and drag the local carrier fluid to flow downward near the lateral walls and thus form the dual-vortex flow pattern.
Keywords:  sedimentation of particles      vortices      Eulerian simulation  
Received:  05 August 2004      Revised:  04 November 2004      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  47.55.-t (Multiphase and stratified flows)  
  47.57.ef (Sedimentation and migration)  
  47.11.Df (Finite volume methods)  
  47.32.-y (Vortex dynamics; rotating fluids)  
  47.27.nb (Boundary layer turbulence ?)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 40476012), and the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Ministry of Education of China (No 20020558013).

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Wu Chun-Liang (吴春亮), Zhan Jie-Min (詹杰民) Eulerian simulation of sedimentation flows in vertical and inclined vessels 2005 Chinese Physics 14 620

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