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Chinese Physics, 2004, Vol. 13(9): 1382-1385    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/13/9/002
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Fractal localized structures related to Jacobian elliptic functions in the higher-order Broer-Kaup system

Ma Zheng-Yi (马正义) (马正义)a) †, Zhu Jia-Min (朱加民) (朱加民)a), Zheng Chun-Long (郑春龙)(郑春龙)a)b)
a Department of Physics and Mathematics, Lishui University, Lishui 323000, China; b Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China
Abstract  This work reveals a novel phenomenon—that the localized coherent structures of a (2﹢1)﹣dimensional physical model possesses fractal behaviours. To clarify the interesting phenomenon, we take the (2﹢1)﹣dimensional higher-order Broer-Kaup system as a concrete example. Starting from a Bäcklund transformation, we obtain a linear equation, and then a general solution of the system is derived. From this some special localized excitations with fractal behaviours are obtained by introducing some types of lower-dimensional fractal patterns that related to Jacobian elliptic functions.
Keywords:  higher-order Broer-Kaup system      Bäcklund transformation      variable separation approach      Jacobian elliptic function      fractal  
Received:  22 December 2003      Revised:  06 April 2004      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  0340K  
Fund: Project supported by the Foundation of ‘151 Talent Engineering' of Zhengjiang Province, China and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10172056).

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Ma Zheng-Yi (马正义), Zhu Jia-Min (朱加民), Zheng Chun-Long (郑春龙) Fractal localized structures related to Jacobian elliptic functions in the higher-order Broer-Kaup system 2004 Chinese Physics 13 1382

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