Abstract In this paper, we present a study of the magnetic coupling and magnetoresistance (MR) properties in Fe/Si1-xAgx multilayers with a granular Si1-xAgx spacer layer. We have found that, with increasing silver content (x) in a silicon matrix, the magnetic state of multilayers changes from a nonmagnetic coupling state to weak antiferromagnetic around the percolation point of the ~2.4 nm thick spacer Si1-xAgx. The MR measurements also reveal an abrupt increase of MR near the same percolation point. These changes are ascribed to the formation of the percolation path in the granular spacer.
(Magnetic phase boundaries (including classical and quantum magnetic transitions, metamagnetism, etc.))
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 59928101 and 59871063).
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Wang Hai (王海), Tang Yun-Jun (唐云俊), Li Xiang (李祥), Chen Xi (陈熹), Wang Yin-Jun (王荫君), Zhu Tao (朱涛), Zhao Hong-Wu (赵宏武), Zhan Wen-Shan (詹文山) Percolation-related magnetic coupling and magnetoresistance properties in Fe/Si1-xAgx multilayers 2002 Chinese Physics 11 183
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