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Chin. Phys. B, 2025, Vol. 34(1): 014301    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad886d

Lamb wave TDTE super-resolution imaging assisted by deep learning

Liu-Jia Sun(孙刘家), Qing-Bang Han(韩庆邦)†, and Qi-Lin Jin(靳琪琳)
College of Information Science and Engineering, Hohai University, Changzhou 213200, China
Abstract  Ultrasonic Lamb waves undergo complex mode conversion and diffraction at non-penetrating defects, such as plate corrosion and cracks. Lamb wave imaging has a resolution limit due to the guided wave dispersion characteristics and Rayleigh criterion limitations. In this paper, a full convolutional network is designed to segment and reconstruct the received signals, enabling the automatic identification of target modalities. This approach eliminates clutter and mode conversion interference when calculating direct and accompanying acoustic fields in time-domain topological energy (TDTE) imaging. Subsequently, the measured accompanying acoustic field is reversed for adaptive focusing on defects and enhance the imaging quality. To circumvent the limitations of the Rayleigh criterion, the direct acoustic field and the accompanying acoustic field were fused to characterize the pixel distribution in the imaging region, achieving Lamb wave super-resolution imaging. Experimental results indicate that compared to the sign coherence factor-total focusing method (SCF-TFM), the proposed method achieves a 31.41% improvement in lateral resolution and a 29.53% increase in signal-to-noise ratio for single-blind-hole defects. In the case of multiple-blind-hole defects with spacings greater than the Rayleigh criterion resolution limit, it exhibits a 27.23% enhancement in signal-to-noise ratio. On the contrary, when the defect spacings are relatively smaller than the limit, this method has a higher resolution limit than SCF-TFM in super-resolution imaging.
Keywords:  Lamb waves      asymmetric defects      fully convolutional network      time-domain topological energy imaging      super-resolution  
Received:  12 September 2024      Revised:  08 October 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  18 October 2024
PACS:  43.35.+d (Ultrasonics, quantum acoustics, and physical effects of sound)  
  43.25.+y (Nonlinear acoustics)  
  43.20.Mv (Waveguides, wave propagation in tubes and ducts)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12174085), the Key Research and Development Project of Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No. CE20235054), and the Postgraduate Research and Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No. KYCX24_0833).
Corresponding Authors:  Qing-Bang Han     E-mail:

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Liu-Jia Sun(孙刘家), Qing-Bang Han(韩庆邦), and Qi-Lin Jin(靳琪琳) Lamb wave TDTE super-resolution imaging assisted by deep learning 2025 Chin. Phys. B 34 014301

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