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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(10): 108101    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad641e

The B-site ordering in RFe0.5Cr0.5O3 ceramics and its effect on magnetic properties

Li Hou(侯利)1,†, Lei Shi(石磊)2,‡, Liping Yang(杨利平)2, Yiqiang Liu(刘义强)1, Zhitao Li(李志涛)1, and Lanxiang Meng(孟蓝翔)1
1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Anyang Institute of Technology, Anyang 455000, China;
2 Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
Abstract  To insight into the B-site ordering in $R$Fe$_{0.5}$Cr$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$ ceramics, a series of $R$Fe$_{0.5}$Cr$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$ ceramics ($R={\rm La}$, Y, Lu) were synthesized by the sol-gel method, and the structural and magnetic properties were systemically investigated. By using the Rietveld refinement of all samples, it is found that the structural distortion is increased as the $R$ ionic radius decreases, leading to the weakened interactions between Fe/Cr ions. Moreover, the Fe and Cr are arranged in disorder in LaFe$_{0.5}$Cr$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$, but partially ordered in YFe$_{0.5}$Cr$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$ and LuFe$_{0.5}$Cr$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$, showing an increasing trend of the proportion of ordered domains with the decrease of $R$ ionic radius. Through fitting the temperature-dependent magnetizations, it is identified that the magnetization reversal (MR) in disorder LaFe$_{0.5}$Cr$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$ is resulted from the competition between the moments of Cr and Fe sublattices. In the partially ordered YFe$_{0.5}$Cr$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$ and LuFe$_{0.5}$Cr$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$ ceramics, because of the presence of Fe-O-Cr networks in the ordered domains whose moment is antiparallel to that of Fe-O-Fe and Cr-O-Cr in the disordered domains, the compensation temperature $T_{\rm comp}$ of MR is increased by nearly 50 K. These results suggest that the changing of $R$-site ions could be used very effectively to modify the Fe-O-Cr ordering, apart from the structural distortion, which has a direct effect on the magnetic exchange interactions in $R$Fe$_{0.5}$Cr$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$ ceramics. Then at values of composition where ordered domains are expected to be larger in number as compared to disordered domains and with a weaker structural distortion, one can expect a higher transition temperature $T_{\rm comp}$, providing a different view for adjustment of the magnetic properties of $R$Fe$_{0.5}$Cr$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$ ceramics for practical applications.
Keywords:  RFe$_{0.5}$Cr$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$ ceramics      structural distortion      B-site ordering      magnetization reversal  
Received:  09 April 2024      Revised:  17 June 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  17 July 2024
PACS:  81.05.Je (Ceramics and refractories (including borides, carbides, hydrides, nitrides, oxides, and silicides))  
  61.66.-f (Structure of specific crystalline solids)  
  64.60.Cn (Order-disorder transformations)  
  75.60.Jk (Magnetization reversal mechanisms)  
Fund: This project was financially supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province, China (Grant Nos. 232300420353 and 232300420392), the Key Scientific Research Project of Higher Education of Henan Province (Grant No. 24B140001), the Doctor Scientific Research Initiate Fund of Anyang Institute of Technology (Grant No. BSJ2022010), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2009CB939901), and the Henan Provincial Science and Technology Research Project (Grant No. 232102241016)
Corresponding Authors:  Li Hou, Lei Shi     E-mail:;

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Li Hou(侯利), Lei Shi(石磊), Liping Yang(杨利平), Yiqiang Liu(刘义强), Zhitao Li(李志涛), and Lanxiang Meng(孟蓝翔) The B-site ordering in RFe0.5Cr0.5O3 ceramics and its effect on magnetic properties 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 108101

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