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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(8): 086103    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad531e

Effect of interlayer bonded bilayer graphene on friction

Yao-Long Li(李耀隆)1,2, Zhen-Guo Tian(田振国)1,2, Hai-Feng Yin(尹海峰)1,2, and Ren-Liang Zhang(张任良)1,2,†
1 Hebei Key Laboratory of Mechanical Reliability for Heavy Equipment and Large Structures, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China;
2 School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
Abstract  We study the friction properties of interlayer bonded bilayer graphene by simulating the movement of a slider on the surface of bilayer graphene using molecular dynamics. The results show that the presence of the interlayer covalent bonds due to the local sp$^{3}$ hybridization of carbon atoms in the bilayer graphene seriously reduces the frictional coefficient of the bilayer graphene surface to 30%, depending on the coverage of interlayer sp$^{3}$ bonds and normal loads. For a certain coverage of interlayer sp$^{3}$ bonds, when the normal load of the slider reaches a certain value, the surface of this interlayer bonded bilayer graphene will lose the friction reduction effect on the slider. Our findings provide guidance for the regulation and manipulation of the frictional properties of bilayer graphene surfaces through interlayer covalent bonds, which may be useful for applications of friction related graphene based nanodevices.
Keywords:  nanoscale friction      molecular dynamic simulation      bilayer graphene      interlayer covalent bond  
Received:  11 March 2024      Revised:  09 May 2024      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  61.48.Gh (Structure of graphene)  
  62.20.Qp (Friction, tribology, and hardness)  
  31.15.xv (Molecular dynamics and other numerical methods)  
Fund: The project supported by the Doctor Fund and the Program of independent Research for Young Teachers of Yanshan University (Grant Nos. B919 and 020000534).
Corresponding Authors:  Ren-Liang Zhang     E-mail:

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Yao-Long Li(李耀隆), Zhen-Guo Tian(田振国), Hai-Feng Yin(尹海峰), and Ren-Liang Zhang(张任良) Effect of interlayer bonded bilayer graphene on friction 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 086103

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