Negative tunnel magnetoresistance in a quantum dot induced by interplay of a Majorana fermion and thermal-driven ferromagnetic leads
Peng-Bin Niu(牛鹏斌)1,†, Bo-Xiang Cui(崔博翔)1, and Hong-Gang Luo(罗洪刚)2,3
1 Department of Physics, Shanxi Datong University, Datong 037009, China; 2 School of Physical Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China; 3 Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract We investigate the spin-related currents and tunnel magnetoresistance through a quantum dot, which is side-coupled with a Majorana fermion zero mode and two thermal-driven ferromagnetic electrodes. It is found that the interplay of Majorana fermion and electrodes' spin polarization can induce a nonlinear thermal-bias spin current. This interplay also decreases the total magnitude of spin or charge current, in either parallel or antiparallel configuration. In addition, a thermal-driven negative tunnel magnetoresistance is found, which is an unique feature to characterize Majorana fermion. With large temperature difference, a step phenomenon is observed in gate tuned spin-up current. When the coupling between quantum dot and topological superconductor is strong enough, this step will evolve into a linear relation, revealing Majorana fermion's robustness.
Peng-Bin Niu(牛鹏斌), Bo-Xiang Cui(崔博翔), and Hong-Gang Luo(罗洪刚) Negative tunnel magnetoresistance in a quantum dot induced by interplay of a Majorana fermion and thermal-driven ferromagnetic leads 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 097401
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