Abstract The memristor has broad application prospects in many fields, while in many cases, those fields require accurate impedance control. The nonlinear model is of great importance for realizing memristance control accurately, but the implementing complexity caused by iteration has limited the actual application of this model. Considering the approximate linear characteristics at the middle region of the memristance-charge (M-q) curve of the nonlinear model, this paper proposes a memristance controlling approach, which is achieved by linearizing the middle region of the M-q curve of the nonlinear memristor, and establishes the linear relationship between memristances M and input excitations so that it can realize impedance control precisely by only adjusting input signals briefly. First, it analyzes the feasibility for linearizing the middle part of the M-q curve of the memristor with a nonlinear model from the qualitative perspective. Then, the linearization equations of the middle region of the M-q curve is constructed by using the shift method, and under a sinusoidal excitation case, the analytical relation between the memristance M and the charge time t is derived through the Taylor series expansions. At last, the performance of the proposed approach is demonstrated, including the linearizing capability for the middle part of the M-q curve of the nonlinear model memristor, the controlling ability for memristance M, and the influence of input excitation on linearization errors.
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61171017).
Corresponding Authors:
Liu Hai-Jun, Li Zhi-Wei
E-mail: liuhaijun@nudt.edu.cn;lzw89523@gmail.com
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Liu Hai-Jun (刘海军), Li Zhi-Wei (李智炜), Yu Hong-Qi (于红旗), Sun Zhao-Lin (孙兆林), Nie Hong-Shan (聂洪山) Memristance controlling approach based on modification of linear M-q curve 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 118402
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