Optical total reflection and transmission with mode control in a dielectric subwavelength nanorod chain
Li Hao (李浩)a b, Li Wei (李伟)a, Du Jun-Jie (杜俊杰)a, Wu Ai-Min (武爱民)a, Qiu Chao (仇超)a b, Sheng Zhen (盛振)a, Wang Xi (王曦)a, Zou Shi-Chang (邹世昌)a, Gan Fu-Wan (甘甫烷)a
a State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China; b University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract We report a polarization dependent reflection phenomenon beyond the normal incidence with a subwavelength nanorod chain. Light waves of the transverse electric mode will be totally reflected while those of the transverse magnetic mode will transmit through. The total reflection or transmission phenomenon can be seen as a constructive or destructive interference of the incident field with the transverse mode field of the chain. With the low-loss feature and the ultra-compact characteristic, this structure may find applications in photonic circuits.
(Structure of nanowires and nanorods (long, free or loosely attached, quantum wires and quantum rods, but not gate-isolated embedded quantum wires))
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61107031, 11104305, 11204340, and 61275112), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2012AA012202), and the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, China (Grant Nos. 10DJ1400400, 11ZR1443700, and 11ZR1443800).
Corresponding Authors:
Li Wei, Gan Fu-Wan
E-mail: waylee@mail.sim.ac.cn;fuwan@mail.sim.ac.cn
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Li Hao (李浩), Li Wei (李伟), Du Jun-Jie (杜俊杰), Wu Ai-Min (武爱民), Qiu Chao (仇超), Sheng Zhen (盛振), Wang Xi (王曦), Zou Shi-Chang (邹世昌), Gan Fu-Wan (甘甫烷) Optical total reflection and transmission with mode control in a dielectric subwavelength nanorod chain 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 117807
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