Critical properties of the transverse ferromagnetic spin system with random single-ion anisotropy
Deng Ling-Ling (邓玲玲)a, Yan Shi-Lei (晏世雷)abc
a Department of Physics, Suzhou University, Suzhou 215006, China; b Provincial Laboratory of Thin Film Materials, Suzhou University, Suzhou 215006, Chinac CCAST (World Laboratory), Beijing 100080, China
Abstract A transverse ferromagnetic spin-1 system with a random single-ion anisotropy is considered in the framework of an Ising model. The effective field theory and decoupling approximation are applied to the derivation of the expressions of magnetizations for a honeycomb lattice. Special emphasis is placed on the critical properties of the system. New critical properties are obtained in a certain range of single-ion anisotropy, random concentration, and transverse field. We discuss in detail the influence of the random concentration and transverse field on the critical properties. Some phenomena have not been discovered in previous reports. Detailed descriptions of the phase transition and magnetization curves are presented.
(Magnetic phase boundaries (including classical and quantum magnetic transitions, metamagnetism, etc.))
Fund: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of the Education Bureau of Jiangsu Province (Grant No 00SJB140003) and by the Thin Film Materials Key Laboratory Open Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No K2022).
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Deng Ling-Ling (邓玲玲), Yan Shi-Lei (晏世雷) Critical properties of the transverse ferromagnetic spin system with random single-ion anisotropy 2002 Chinese Physics 11 383
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