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Chinese Physics, 2002, Vol. 11(1): 30-34    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/1/307

Sum and two-atom dipole squeezing in a system of a two-mode vacuum field interacting with two coupled atoms

Hou Bang-Pin (侯邦品)a, Liu Jie (刘杰)b, Hu Ping (胡萍)b
a Department of Physics, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China; b Institute of Solid State Physics, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China
Abstract  We discuss the effects of the initial atomic coherent factors (including the phase and the distribution parameter) and the dipole-dipole interaction on the sum and two-atom dipole squeezing in the system. The results show that the maximum squeezing in both cases is determined by the phase and the distribution parameter, and the duration of squeezing becomes longer by strengthening the dipole-dipole interaction. In addition, the comparison of the two types of squeezing shows that one type of squeezing is obtained at the expense of increased fluctuations in the other squeezing function.
Keywords:  two-mode vacuum field      sum squeezing      two-atom dipole squeezing      dipole-dipole interaction  
Received:  05 February 2001      Revised:  03 July 2001      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  32.80.-t (Photoionization and excitation)  
  42.50.Dv (Quantum state engineering and measurements)  
Fund: Project supported by the Education Foundation of Sichuan Province, China (Grant No. 200025).

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Hou Bang-Pin (侯邦品), Liu Jie (刘杰), Hu Ping (胡萍) Sum and two-atom dipole squeezing in a system of a two-mode vacuum field interacting with two coupled atoms 2002 Chinese Physics 11 30

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