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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(6): 060309    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad2bed
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A quantum blind signature scheme based on dense coding for non-entangled states

Ke Xing(邢柯)†, Ai-Han Yin(殷爱菡)‡, and Yong-Qi Xue(薛勇奇)
Department of Information Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China
Abstract  In some schemes, quantum blind signatures require the use of difficult-to-prepare multiparticle entangled states. By considering the communication overhead, quantum operation complexity, verification efficiency and other relevant factors in practical situations, this article proposes a non-entangled quantum blind signature scheme based on dense encoding. The information owner utilizes dense encoding and hash functions to blind the information while reducing the use of quantum resources. After receiving particles, the signer encrypts the message using a one-way function and performs a Hadamard gate operation on the selected single photon to generate the signature. Then the verifier performs a Hadamard gate inverse operation on the signature and combines it with the encoding rules to restore the message and complete the verification. Compared with some typical quantum blind signature protocols, this protocol has strong blindness in privacy protection, and higher flexibility in scalability and application. The signer can adjust the signature operation according to the actual situation, which greatly simplifies the complexity of the signature. By simultaneously utilizing the secondary distribution and rearrangement of non-entangled quantum states, a non-entangled quantum state representation of three bits of classical information is achieved, reducing the use of a large amount of quantum resources and lowering implementation costs. This improves both signature verification efficiency and communication efficiency while, at the same time, this scheme meets the requirements of unforgeability, non-repudiation, and prevention of information leakage.
Keywords:  quantum blind signature      dense coding      non-entanglement      Hadamard gate  
Received:  20 October 2023      Revised:  31 January 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  22 February 2024
PACS:  03.67.-a (Quantum information)  
  03.67.Ac (Quantum algorithms, protocols, and simulations)  
  03.67.Dd (Quantum cryptography and communication security)  
  03.65.Ud (Entanglement and quantum nonlocality)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61762039).
Corresponding Authors:  Ke Xing, Ai-Han Yin     E-mail:;

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Ke Xing(邢柯), Ai-Han Yin(殷爱菡), and Yong-Qi Xue(薛勇奇) A quantum blind signature scheme based on dense coding for non-entangled states 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 060309

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