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Chin. Phys. B, 2021, Vol. 30(12): 120512    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac1b83
Special Issue: SPECIAL TOPIC— Interdisciplinary physics: Complex network dynamics and emerging technologies
SPECIAL TOPIC—Interdisciplinary physics: Complex network dynamics and emerging technologies Prev   Next  

Controlling chaos and supressing chimeras in a fractional-order discrete phase-locked loop using impulse control

Karthikeyan Rajagopal1,†, Anitha Karthikeyan2, and Balamurali Ramakrishnan1
1 Centre for Nonlinear Systems, Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai, India;
2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Prathyusha Engineering College, Chennai, India
Abstract  A fractional-order difference equation model of a third-order discrete phase-locked loop (FODPLL) is discussed and the dynamical behavior of the model is demonstrated using bifurcation plots and a basin of attraction. We show a narrow region of loop gain where the FODPLL exhibits quasi-periodic oscillations, which were not identified in the integer-order model. We propose a simple impulse control algorithm to suppress chaos and discuss the effect of the control step. A network of FODPLL oscillators is constructed and investigated for synchronization behavior. We show the existence of chimera states while transiting from an asynchronous to a synchronous state. The same impulse control method is applied to a lattice array of FODPLL, and the chimera states are then synchronized using the impulse control algorithm. We show that the lower control steps can achieve better control over the higher control steps.
Keywords:  discrete Josephson junction      fractional order      chaos      impulse control      chimera  
Received:  16 March 2021      Revised:  11 June 2021      Accepted manuscript online:  07 August 2021
PACS:  05.45.-a (Nonlinear dynamics and chaos)  
  05.45.Gg (Control of chaos, applications of chaos)  
  05.45.Xt (Synchronization; coupled oscillators)  
  05.45.Pq (Numerical simulations of chaotic systems)  
Fund: Project supported by the Center for Nonlinear Systems, Chennai Institute of Technology, India (Grant No. CIT/CNS/2020/RD/061).
Corresponding Authors:  Karthikeyan Rajagopal     E-mail:

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Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Anitha Karthikeyan, and Balamurali Ramakrishnan Controlling chaos and supressing chimeras in a fractional-order discrete phase-locked loop using impulse control 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 120512

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