Research on the discrete variational method for a Birkhoffian system
Liu Shi-Xing (刘世兴)a, Hua Wei (花巍)b, Guo Yong-Xin (郭永新)a
a College of Physics, Liaoning University, Shenyang 110036, China; b College of Physics and Technology, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China
Abstract In this paper, we present a new integration algorithm based on the discrete Pfaff-Birkhoff principle for Birkhoffian systems. It is proved that the new algorithm can preserve the general symplectic geometric structures of Birkhoffian systems. A numerical experiment for a damping oscillator system is conducted. The result shows that the new algorithm can better simulate the energy dissipation than the R-K method, which illustrates that we can numerically solve the dynamical equations by the discrete variational method in a Birkhoffian framework for the systems with a general symplectic structure. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the results of the numerical experiments are determined not by the constructing methods of Birkhoffian functions but by whether the numerical method can preserve the inherent nature of the dynamical system.
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11301350, 11172120, and 11202090) and the Liaoning University Pre-reporting Fund Natural Projects (Grant No. 2013LDGY02).
Liu Shi-Xing (刘世兴), Hua Wei (花巍), Guo Yong-Xin (郭永新) Research on the discrete variational method for a Birkhoffian system 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 064501
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