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Chin. Phys. B, 2009, Vol. 18(4): 1306-1311    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/4/002
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Effect of incubation period on epidemic spreading in complex networks

Huang Wei(黄炜), Jiang Rui(姜锐), Hu Mao-Bin(胡茂彬), and Wu Qing-Song(吴清松)
School of Engineering Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
Abstract  We study the effect of incubation period on epidemic spreading in the Barabasi--Albert scale-free network and the Watts--Strogatz small world network by using a Suspectable-Incubated-Infected-Suspectable model. Our analytical investigations show that the epidemic threshold is independent of incubation period in both networks, which is verified by our large-scale simulation results. We also investigate the effect of incubation period on the epidemic  dynamics in a supercritical regime. It is found that with the increase of incubation period ${\it\Omega} $, a damped oscillation evolution of $\rho_T$ (the ratio of persons in incubated state) appears and the time needed to reach a saturation value increases. Moreover, the steady value of $\rho _T $ increases and approaches to an asymptotic constant with the value of ${\it\Omega} $ increasing. As a result, the infected ratio $\rho _I$ decreases  with the increase of ${\it\Omega}$ according to a power law.
Keywords:  epidemic spreading      incubation period      complex network  
Received:  02 August 2008      Revised:  22 August 2008      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  89.75.Hc (Networks and genealogical trees)  
  87.18.Sn (Neural networks and synaptic communication)  
  87.19.X- (Diseases)  
  87.10.-e (General theory and mathematical aspects)  

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Huang Wei(黄炜), Jiang Rui(姜锐), Hu Mao-Bin(胡茂彬), and Wu Qing-Song(吴清松) Effect of incubation period on epidemic spreading in complex networks 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 1306

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