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Chinese Physics, 2004, Vol. 13(8): 1283-1286    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/13/8/017

Optical ballast and adaptive dynamic stable resonator

Zhang Guang-Yin (张光寅), Jiao Zhi-Yong (焦志勇), Guo Shu-Guang (郭曙光), Zhang Xiao-Hua (张晓华), Gu Xue-Wen (顾学文), Yan Cai-Fan (颜彩繁), Wu Ding-Er (武丁二), Song Feng (宋峰)
Photonics Research Centre, College of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China
Abstract  In this paper a new concept of ‘optical ballast' is put forward. Optical ballast is a kind of device that can be used to decrease the variation and fluctuation of the propagation characteristics of light beams caused by the disturbance of refractive index of the medium. To illustrate the idea clearly and concretely, a fully adaptive dynamic stable solid-state laser resonator is presented as application example of optical ballast.
Keywords:  optical ballast      solid-state laser      resonator      thermal lens effect  
Received:  17 January 2004      Revised:  16 February 2004      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  42.55.Rz (Doped-insulator lasers and other solid state lasers)  
  42.60.Da (Resonators, cavities, amplifiers, arrays, and rings)  
  42.60.Jf (Beam characteristics: profile, intensity, and power; spatial pattern formation)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 60078014).

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Zhang Guang-Yin (张光寅), Jiao Zhi-Yong (焦志勇), Guo Shu-Guang (郭曙光), Zhang Xiao-Hua (张晓华), Gu Xue-Wen (顾学文), Yan Cai-Fan (颜彩繁), Wu Ding-Er (武丁二), Song Feng (宋峰) Optical ballast and adaptive dynamic stable resonator 2004 Chinese Physics 13 1283

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