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Chinese Physics, 2001, Vol. 10(13): 50-53    DOI:


Xue Zeng-quan (薛增泉)a, Liu Hong-wen (刘虹雯)a, Hou Shi-min (侯士敏)a, Tao Cheng-gang (陶成钢)a, Zhang Geng-min (张耿民)a, Zhao Xing-yu (赵兴钰)a, Liu Sai-jin (刘赛锦)a, Du Min (杜民)a, Liu Wei-min (刘惟敏)a, Wu Jin-lei (吴锦雷)a, Peng Lian-mao (彭练矛)a, Wu Quan-de (吴全德)a, Shi Zu-jin (施祖进)b, Gu Zhen-nan (顾镇南)b
a Department of Electronics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; b College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract  Bucky onions were fabricated by the DC discharge method and their behaviors and electric properties on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) were studied by using an atomic force microscope (AFM), a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Small-sized Bucky onions demonstrated the properties of semiconductors and as the size increased their metallicity became stronger. AFM and STM images revealed the tendency of Bucky onions to form dimers.
Keywords:  electrical conductivity      electron states  
Received:  14 March 2001      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  7280R  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 69890221, 69701001 and 69902001). One of the authors (HOU SHI-MIN) was also supported by the Educational Ministry of China.

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Xue Zeng-quan (薛增泉), Liu Hong-wen (刘虹雯), Hou Shi-min (侯士敏), Tao Cheng-gang (陶成钢), Zhang Geng-min (张耿民), Zhao Xing-yu (赵兴钰), Liu Sai-jin (刘赛锦), Du Min (杜民), Liu Wei-min (刘惟敏), Wu Jin-lei (吴锦雷), Peng Lian-mao (彭练矛), Wu Quan-de (吴全德), Shi Zu-jin (施祖进), Gu Zhen-nan (顾镇南) INVESTIGATION ON THE STRUCTURE AND ELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF BUCKY ONIONS 2001 Chinese Physics 10 50

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