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Chinese Physics, 2000, Vol. 9(8): 577-580    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/9/8/005


Chen Zhao-yang (陈朝阳), Qu Wei-xing (屈卫星), Xu Zhi-zhan (徐至展)
Laboratory for High Intensity Optics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
Abstract  Numerical simulations of ionization and dissociation processes of hydrogen molecular ion H2+ interacting with two-color intense ( 1014W/cm2-1015W/cm2) ultrashort (the duration ≈ 22fs) laser pulse are made. The result shows that the ionization and dissociation processes are strongly dependent upon the relative phase between the two color fields. It means that, in the case of ultrashort pulse, the phase coherence control of ionization and dissociation processes can be realized.
Keywords:  hydrogen molecular ion      ionization      dissociation      two-color field  
Received:  27 September 1999      Revised:  28 February 2000      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  33.80.Eh (Autoionization, photoionization, and photodetachment)  
  33.80.Gj (Diffuse spectra; predissociation, photodissociation)  
Fund: Project supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.

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Chen Zhao-yang (陈朝阳), Qu Wei-xing (屈卫星), Xu Zhi-zhan (徐至展) DYNAMICS of H+2 in TWO-COLOR ULTRASHORT LASER PULSE 2000 Chinese Physics 9 577

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