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Chin. Phys. B, 2025, Vol. 34(3): 036104    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/adab66
SPECIAL TOPIC — Structures and properties of materials under high pressure Prev   Next  

First-principles insights into the high-pressure stability and electronic characteristics of molybdenum nitride

Tao Wang(王涛)1, Ming-Hong Wen(温铭洪)1, Xin-Xin Zhang(张新欣)2, Wei-Hua Wang(王伟华)1, Jia-Mei Liu(刘佳美)1, Xu-Ying Wang(王旭颖)1, and Pei-Fang Li(李培芳)1,†
1 Extreme Conditions Physics Research Team, College of Physics and Electronic Information, Inner Mongolia Minzu University, Tongliao 028043, China;
2 Colledge of Science, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang 110142, China
Abstract  Molybdenum nitride, renowned for its exceptional physical and chemical properties, has garnered extensive attention and research interest. In this study, we employed first-principles calculations and the CALYPSO structure prediction method to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the crystal structures and electronic properties of molybdenum nitride (Mo$_{x}$N$_{1-x}$) under high pressure. We discovered two novel high-pressure phases: Imm2-MoN$_{3}$ and Cmmm-MoN$_{4}$, and confirmed their stability through the analysis of elastic constants and phonon dispersion curves. Notably, the MoN$_{4}$ phase, with its high Vickers hardness of 36.9 GPa, demonstrates potential as a hard material. The results of this study have broadened the range of known high-pressure phases of molybdenum nitride, providing the groundwork for future theoretical and experimental researches.
Keywords:  molybdenum nitride      CALYPSO      crystal structure      high pressure  
Received:  17 November 2024      Revised:  16 January 2025      Accepted manuscript online:  17 January 2025
PACS:  61.50.Ks (Crystallographic aspects of phase transformations; pressure effects)  
  71.20.-b (Electron density of states and band structure of crystalline solids)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11964026), the Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia, China (Grant Nos. 2019MS01010 and 2023LHMS01014), Higher Educational Scientific Research Projects of Inner Mongolia (Grant Nos. NJZZ19145 and NJZZ22470), the Educational Scientific Research Project of Liaoning Province (Grant No. LJKZ0452), the Doctoral Starting up Foundation of Inner Mongolia Minzu University of Science and Technology (Grant No. BSZ023), Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Youth Capacity Improvement Project (Grant No. GXKY22157), and Higher Physics Major Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education Project (Grant No. JZW-23-GT-21).
Corresponding Authors:  Pei-Fang Li     E-mail:

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Tao Wang(王涛), Ming-Hong Wen(温铭洪), Xin-Xin Zhang(张新欣), Wei-Hua Wang(王伟华), Jia-Mei Liu(刘佳美), Xu-Ying Wang(王旭颖), and Pei-Fang Li(李培芳) First-principles insights into the high-pressure stability and electronic characteristics of molybdenum nitride 2025 Chin. Phys. B 34 036104

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