Impurity sputtering model for ICRF edge plasma-surface interactions |
Quan-Zhi Zhang(张权治)1,†,‡, Ze-Xuan Liu(刘泽璇)1,†, Fang-Fang Ma(马方方)1, Lei-Yu Zhang(张雷宇)1, and Nosir Matyakubov2,3 |
1 School of Physics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China; 2 Department of Physics, Urgench State University, Urgench 220100, Uzbekistan; 3 School of Engineering, New Uzbekistan University, 100007 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
Abstract One of the primary concerns associated with ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) is the enhanced impurity sputtering resulting from radio frequency (RF) sheath formation near plasma-facing components (PFCs), such as limiters. Developing a sputtering model integrated with RF sheath simulations allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the kinetic behavior of incident ions and their interactions with the limiter surface. We accordingly develop an impurity sputtering model “PMSAD”, which computes the sputtering yield (amount of impurity) on the limiter surface based on incident ion characteristics and predicts the spatial distribution of impurities. The model provides a robust method for understanding and analyzing the impurity sputtering process from limiter surfaces, which is crucial for preventing ICRH surface erosion and reducing edge and core plasma contamination.
Received: 31 October 2024
Revised: 26 December 2024
Accepted manuscript online:
(Magnetized plasmas)
(Plasma interactions with antennas; plasma-filled waveguides)
(Plasma simulation)
(Theory, design, and computerized simulation)
Fund: This work was financially supported by the National MCF Energy R&D Program (Grant No. 2022YFE03190100), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12422513, 12105035, and U21A20438), and the Xiaomi Young Talents Program. |
Corresponding Authors:
Quan-Zhi Zhang
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Quan-Zhi Zhang(张权治), Ze-Xuan Liu(刘泽璇), Fang-Fang Ma(马方方), Lei-Yu Zhang(张雷宇), and Nosir Matyakubov Impurity sputtering model for ICRF edge plasma-surface interactions 2025 Chin. Phys. B 34 035201
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