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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(12): 120701    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad84ce
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Suppression of the vapor cell temperature error in a spin-exchange relaxation-free comagnetometer

Jia-Li Liu(刘佳丽)1, Li-Wei Jiang(姜丽伟)2,3,†, Chi Fang(方驰)2,3, Xin Zhao(赵鑫)1, and Yuan-Qiang Chen(陈远强)1
1 National Institute of Extremely-Weak Magnetic Field Infrastructure, Hangzhou 310051, China;
2 Institute of Large-scale Scientific Facility and Centre for Zero Magnetic Field Science, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China;
3 Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Ultra-Weak Magnetic-Field Space and Applied Technology, Hangzhou Innovation Institute, Beihang University, Hangzhou 310051, China
Abstract  The fluctuation of the vapor cell temperature leads to the variations of the density of the alkali metal atoms, which seriously damages the long-term stability of the spin-exchange relaxation-free (SERF) comagnetometer. To address this problem, we propose a novel method for suppressing the cell temperature error by manipulating the probe laser frequency. A temperature coefficient model of the SERF comagnetometer is established based on the steady-state response, which indicates that the comagnetometer can be tuned to a working point where the output signal is insensitive to the cell temperature fluctuation, and the working point is determined by the relaxation rate of the alkali metal atoms. The method is verified in a K-Rb-21Ne comagnetometer, and the experimental results are consistent with the theory. The theory and method presented here lay a foundation for the practical applications of the SERF comagnetometer.
Keywords:  spin-exchange relaxation-free      atomic comagnetometer      cell temperature error      probe laser frequency  
Received:  01 August 2024      Revised:  12 September 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  09 October 2024
PACS:  07.07.Df (Sensors (chemical, optical, electrical, movement, gas, etc.); remote sensing)  
  07.55.Ge (Magnetometers for magnetic field measurements)  
  42.79.-e (Optical elements, devices, and systems)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62103024 and 61925301), and in part by the Aeronautical Science Foundation (Grant No. 2023Z073051012).
Corresponding Authors:  Li-Wei Jiang     E-mail:

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Jia-Li Liu(刘佳丽), Li-Wei Jiang(姜丽伟), Chi Fang(方驰), Xin Zhao(赵鑫), and Yuan-Qiang Chen(陈远强) Suppression of the vapor cell temperature error in a spin-exchange relaxation-free comagnetometer 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 120701

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