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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(10): 107303    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad711f

Role of self-assembled molecules' anchoring groups for surface defect passivation and dipole modulation in inverted perovskite solar cells

Xiaoyu Wang(王啸宇)1,†, Muhammad Faizan2,†, Kun Zhou(周琨)2, Xinjiang Wang(王新江)2,‡, Yuhao Fu(付钰豪)1,§, and Lijun Zhang(张立军)2,¶
1 Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials, College of Physics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China;
2 State Key Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics, Key Laboratory of Automobile Materials of MOE, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
Abstract  Inverted perovskite solar cells have gained prominence in industrial advancement due to their easy fabrication, low hysteresis effects, and high stability. Despite these advantages, their efficiency is currently limited by excessive defects and poor carrier transport at the perovskite-electrode interface, particularly at the buried interface between the perovskite and transparent conductive oxide (TCO). Recent efforts in the perovskite community have focused on designing novel self-assembled molecules (SAMs) to improve the quality of the buried interface. However, a notable gap remains in understanding the regulation of atomic-scale interfacial properties of SAMs between the perovskite and TCO interfaces. This understanding is crucial, particularly in terms of identifying chemically active anchoring groups. In this study, we used the star SAM ([2-(9H-carbazol-9-yl)ethyl] phosphonic acid) as the base structure to investigate the defect passivation effects of eight common anchoring groups at the perovskite-TCO interface. Our findings indicate that the phosphonic and boric acid groups exhibit notable advantages. These groups fulfill three key criteria: they provide the greatest potential for defect passivation, exhibit stable adsorption with defects, and exert significant regulatory effects on interface dipoles. Ionized anchoring groups exhibit enhanced passivation capabilities for defect energy levels due to their superior Lewis base properties, which effectively neutralize local charges near defects. Among various defect types, iodine vacancies are the easiest to passivate, whereas iodine-substituted lead defects are the most challenging to passivate. Our study provides comprehensive theoretical insights and inspiration for the design of anchoring groups in SAMs, contributing to the ongoing development of more efficient inverted perovskite solar cells.
Keywords:  inverted perovskite solar cell      defect passivation      self-assembled molecule      interface engineering      first-principles calculation  
Received:  28 July 2024      Revised:  19 August 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  20 August 2024
PACS:  73.20.Hb (Impurity and defect levels; energy states of adsorbed species)  
  81.65.Rv (Passivation)  
  68.43.Bc (Ab initio calculations of adsorbate structure and reactions) (Electron electric dipole moment)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62321166653, 22090044, and 12350410372).
Corresponding Authors:  Xinjiang Wang, Yuhao Fu, Lijun Zhang     E-mail:;;

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Xiaoyu Wang(王啸宇), Muhammad Faizan, Kun Zhou(周琨), Xinjiang Wang(王新江), Yuhao Fu(付钰豪), and Lijun Zhang(张立军) Role of self-assembled molecules' anchoring groups for surface defect passivation and dipole modulation in inverted perovskite solar cells 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 107303

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