Electro-optic response in thin smectic C* film with chevron structures
Aleksey A Kudreyko1, Nail G Migranov2, Dana N Migranova2
1. Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Department of Physics, Kosmonavtov St. 1, 450062 Ufa, Russia;
2. Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Department of General and Theoretical Physics, Okt. Revolutsii St. 3A, 450000 Ufa, Russia
The effects in electrostatic models of chevron surface-stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals are investigated through numerical modeling. To study smectic C* director distribution within the cell, we consider two nonlinear approaches:the chevron interface does not interplay with the electric field; the electric field interplays with the chevron interface. The obtained results of the director field distribution are compared with the earlier linearized studies. We find that whether or not the electric field interplays with the chevron interface, the electro-optic response requires a generalized approach for its description. The threshold electric field, which is necessary for switching between two stable director states in the chevron cell is evaluated. This study suggests that, in many cases of practical interest, electro-optic response to the electric field and the threshold electric field can be precisely estimated. We argue that, beside being numerically efficient, our approach provides a convenient and a novel standpoint for looking at the electro-optic response problem.
(Orientational order of liquid crystals; electric and magnetic field effects on order)
Project supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) (Grant Nos. 16-32-00043 and 14-02-97026).
Corresponding Authors:
Aleksey A Kudreyko
E-mail: akudreyko@rusoil.net
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Aleksey A Kudreyko, Nail G Migranov, Dana N Migranova Electro-optic response in thin smectic C* film with chevron structures 2016 Chin. Phys. B 25 126101
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