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Chin. Phys. B, 2011, Vol. 20(8): 084209    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/20/8/084209

Attenuation characteristics of a light attenuator combined by polarizers with different extinction ratios

Huang Chong (黄翀), Deng Peng (邓鹏), Zhao Shuang (赵爽), Chen Hai-Qing (陈海清)
College of Optoelectronics Science and Engineering, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
Abstract  This paper deals with a systematical analysis and an algorithm of attenuation characteristics of a light attenuator combined by n pieces of polarizers (n-LACP) whose extinction ratios are different from each other. The attenuation ratio expression of a two-LACP is deduced. We find that the monotonic attenuation interval depends on the first polarizer and that the attenuation range depends on the second one. For the three-LACP, a method for obtaining a monotonic attenuation interval is proposed. Moreover, the attenuation ratio expression is demonstrated. Analysis and experiment show that when the initial status of the three-LACP is at the maximum output, if the second or third polarizer rotates alone, the minimum attenuation ratios can reach K2-1 and K3-1, respectively, and if the first polarizer rotates, a minimum attenuation ratio of K2-1K3-1 can be obtained (K1, K2 and K3 represent the extinction ratios of the three polarizers in turn). Furthermore, the attenuation ratio expression of n-LACP and the relevant attenuation characteristics are proposed. The minimum attenuation ratio of an n-LACP is (K2K3……Kn)-1.
Keywords:  light attenuator      polarizer      extinction ratio      Jones vector  
Received:  05 January 2011      Revised:  13 February 2011      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  42.79.Ci (Filters, zone plates, and polarizers)  
  42.79.Pw (Imaging detectors and sensors)  
  42.79.Hp (Optical processors, correlators, and modulators)  
Fund: Project supported by the Technological Innovation Project of Air-to-Air Missile Institute of China (Grant No. 5S85000FS).

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Huang Chong (黄翀), Deng Peng (邓鹏), Zhao Shuang (赵爽), Chen Hai-Qing (陈海清) Attenuation characteristics of a light attenuator combined by polarizers with different extinction ratios 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 084209

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