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Chinese Physics, 2007, Vol. 16(8): 2384-2388    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/8/038

Production of recoil ions Hei+ accompanied by single electron loss of 0.2--7MeV Cq+ and 0.25--5MeV Oq+ (q=1--4) ions

Chen Xi-Meng(陈熙萌), Lu Yan-Xia(鲁彦霞), Ding Bao-Wei(丁宝卫), Liu Yu-Wen(刘玉文), Cui Ying(崔莹), Gao Zhi-Min(高志民), Fu Hong-Bin(付宏斌), Du Juan (杜娟), and Shao Jian-Xiong(邵剑雄)
Department of Modern Physics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
Abstract  Target ionization accompanied with projectile electron loss is investigated for 0.2--7 MeV Cq+(q=1-4) with He and 0.25--5 MeV Oq+(q=1-4) with He collisions. For projectile single-electron loss channel, the He double-to-single ionization ratio R is nearly independent of projectile charge state but dependent on the nuclear charge of projectile Zp. The results are analysed with atomic structure qualitatively. So far there have not existed the experimental data comparable with our results, to our knowledge. The ratio $R$ is interpreted in terms of the two-step mechanism. This analysis agrees well with similar experiments in the literature.
Keywords:  ion-atom collision      cross-section      electron loss  
Received:  19 October 2006      Revised:  02 December 2006      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  34.50.Fa (Electronic excitation and ionization of atoms (including beam-foil excitation and ionization))  
Fund: Project supported by the Special Foundation for Key Programs of Basic Research at its earlier stage, Ministry of Science and Technology, China (Grant No~2002CCA00900).

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Chen Xi-Meng(陈熙萌), Lu Yan-Xia(鲁彦霞), Ding Bao-Wei(丁宝卫), Liu Yu-Wen(刘玉文), Cui Ying(崔莹), Gao Zhi-Min(高志民), Fu Hong-Bin(付宏斌), Du Juan (杜娟), and Shao Jian-Xiong(邵剑雄) Production of recoil ions Hei+ accompanied by single electron loss of 0.2--7MeV Cq+ and 0.25--5MeV Oq+ (q=1--4) ions 2007 Chinese Physics 16 2384

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