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Chinese Physics, 2006, Vol. 15(7): 1570-1576    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/7/032

A velocity-difference-separation model for car-following theory

Li Zhi-Peng (李志鹏), Liu Yun-Cai (刘允才)
Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China
Abstract  We introduce a velocity-difference-separation model that modifies the previous models in the literature. The improvement of this new model over the previous ones lies in that it not only theoretically retains many strong points of the previous ones, but also performs more realistically than others in the dynamical evolution of congestion. Furthermore, the proposed model is investigated with analytic and numerical methods, with the finding that it can demonstrate some complex physical features observed in real traffic such as the existence of three phases: free flow, synchronized flow, and wide moving jam; sudden flow drop in flow-density plane; and traffic hysteresis in transition between the free and the synchronized flow.
Keywords:  car-following models      inter-vehicle separation      traffic flow  
Received:  30 August 2005      Revised:  09 December 2005      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  89.40.Bb (Land transportation)  
  45.70.Vn (Granular models of complex systems; traffic flow)  
Fund: Project supported by the Key Foundation Project of Shanghai, China (Grant No 032912066).

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Li Zhi-Peng (李志鹏), Liu Yun-Cai (刘允才) A velocity-difference-separation model for car-following theory 2006 Chinese Physics 15 1570

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