Investigation of titanium nitride coating by broadband laser ultrasonic spectroscopy
Gao Wei-Min (高伟民)ab, Christ Glorieuxac,Walter Lauriksa, Jan Thoena
a Laboratorium voor Akoestiek en Thermische Fysica, Departement Natuurkunde, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200D, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium; b Lithography Department, Silicon Process Technology Division, Imec, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven, Belg; c Postdoctoral Researcher for Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Abstract We present a laser ultrasonic method to investigate a titanium nitride (TiN) coating specimen. The technique is based on the principle of surface acoustic wave (SAW) dispersion during acoustic propagation on a half-space with the presence of a thin layer. Due to the high efficiency of laser line-source excitation, we have been able to generate and detect a SAW with an excellent signal-to-noise ratio in a wide frequency band. An inverse fitting algorithm was employed to extract simultaneously the thickness and the elastic parameters of the TiN coating from the experimental SAW velocity dispersion curve.
Received: 02 August 2001
Revised: 10 October 2001
Accepted manuscript online:
(Ultrasonic velocity, dispersion, scattering, diffraction, and Attenuation in solids; elastic constants)
(Effect of nonlinearity on velocity and attenuation)
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Gao Wei-Min (高伟民), Christ Glorieux, Walter Lauriks, Jan Thoen Investigation of titanium nitride coating by broadband laser ultrasonic spectroscopy 2002 Chinese Physics 11 132
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