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Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition), 1999, Vol. 8(3): 174-179    DOI: 10.1088/1004-423X/8/3/003


Mei Dong-cheng (梅冬成)ab, Xie Guang-zhong (谢光中)b, Cao Li (曹力)c, Wu Da-jin (吴大进)c
a Department of Physics, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China; Yunnan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650011, China; c State Key Laboratory of Laser Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
Abstract  The stationary properties of a single-mode laser with positive and negative correlations between additive and multiplicative white-noise terms are investigated. By virtue of a simple rule and decoupling ansatz, the intensity correlation function and correlation time for the laser model are derived. We found that: (1) the fluctuation of light intensity with negative correlations between the noise terms are reduced in comparison with those for positive correlations; (2) the coupling between additive and multiplicative noises enhances the rate of decay of intensity correlation; (3) the effects of negative correlations between the noise terms are more remarkable than those of positive correlations.
Received:  04 August 1998      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  05.40.Ca (Noise)  
  42.50.-p (Quantum optics)  
Fund: Project supported by the Applied Basic Research Foundation of Yunnan Provincial Education Commission (Grant No. 9712021), China.

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Mei Dong-cheng (梅冬成), Xie Guang-zhong (谢光中), Cao Li (曹力), Wu Da-jin (吴大进) EFFECTS OF CROSS-CORRELATED NOISES ON A SINGLE-MODE LASER MODEL: STEADY STATE ANALYSIS 1999 Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition) 8 174

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