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Chinese Physics, 2005, Vol. 14(10): 1996-2003    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/14/10/013

A new distribution scheme of decryption keys used in optical verification system with multiple-wavelength information

Niu Chun-Hui (牛春晖)a, Zhang Yan (张岩)b, Gu Ben-Yuan (顾本源)a
a Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China; b Department of Physics,Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037, China
Abstract  A new distribution scheme of decryption keys used in optical verification systems is proposed. The encryption procedure is digitally implemented with the use of an iteration algorithm in computer. Three target images corresponding to three wavelengths are encoded into three sets of phase-only masks (POMs) by a special distributing method. These three sets of POMs are assigned to three authorized users as the personal identification. A lensless optical system is used as the verification system. In the verification procedure, every two of the three authorized users can pass the verification procedure cooperatively, but only one user cannot do. Numerical simulation shows that the proposed distribution scheme of decryption keys not only can improve the security level of verification system, but also can bring convenience and flexibility for authorized users.
Keywords:  optical encryption technique      multiple-wavelength information      diffractive optical system  
Received:  31 May 2005      Revised:  16 June 2005      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  42.30.-d (Imaging and optical processing)  
  84.40.Ua (Telecommunications: signal transmission and processing; communication satellites)  

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Niu Chun-Hui (牛春晖), Zhang Yan (张岩), Gu Ben-Yuan (顾本源) A new distribution scheme of decryption keys used in optical verification system with multiple-wavelength information 2005 Chinese Physics 14 1996

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