Sudden change of interferometric power for X-shape states |
Dian Zhu(朱典)1, Fu-Lin Zhang(张福林)2†, and Jing-Ling Chen(陈景灵)1‡ |
1 Theoretical Physics Division, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China; 2 Department of Physics, School of Science, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China |
Abstract Quantum interferometric power (IP), a discordlike measure, plays an important role in quantum metrology. We study the dynamics of IP for two-qubit X-shape states under different noisy environments. Our study shows that IP exhibits sudden change, and one side quantum channel is enough for the occurrence of a sudden change of IP. In particular, we show that the initial state having no sudden change of quantum discord exhibits a sudden change of IP under the dynamics of amplitude noise, but the converse is not true. Besides, we also investigate the dynamics of IP under two different kinds of composite noises. Our results also confirm that sudden change of IP occurs under such composite noises.
Received: 26 August 2024
Revised: 13 November 2024
Accepted manuscript online: 26 November 2024
(Quantum systems with finite Hilbert space)
(Quantum information)
(Decoherence; open systems; quantum statistical methods)
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundations of China (Grant Nos. 11675119, 12275136, and 12075001) and the Nankai Zhide Foundations. |
Corresponding Authors:
Fu-Lin Zhang, Jing-Ling Chen
E-mail: flzhang@tju.edu.cn;chenjl@nankai.edu.cn
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Dian Zhu(朱典), Fu-Lin Zhang(张福林), and Jing-Ling Chen(陈景灵) Sudden change of interferometric power for X-shape states 2025 Chin. Phys. B 34 020305
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