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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(5): 054211    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad34ca

High-frequency microwave cavity design for high-mass dark matter axion searches

Chi Zhang(张驰)1,2, Jia Wang(王佳)1, Chunguang Li(李春光)1, Shiguang Chen(陈石广)1,2, Hang Cheng(程航)1,2, Liang Sun(孙亮)1,3, and Yun Wu(吴云)1,2,4,†
1 Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
3 Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Dongguan 523808, China;
4 Hefei National Laboratory, Hefei 230088, China
Abstract  The haloscope based on the $\rm TM_{010}$ mode cavity is a well-established technique for detecting QCD axions. However, the method has limitations in detecting high-mass axion due to significant volume loss in the high-frequency cavity. Utilizing a higher-order mode cavity can effectively reduce the volume loss of the high-frequency cavity. The rotatable dielectric pieces as a tuning mechanism can compensate for the degradation of the form factor of the higher-order mode. Nevertheless, the introduction of dielectric causes additional volume loss. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel design scheme by adding a central metal rod to the higher-order mode cavity tuned by dielectrics, which improves the performance of the haloscope due to the increased effective volume of the cavity detector. The superiority of the novel design is demonstrated by comparing its simulated performance with previous designs. Moreover, the feasibility of the scheme is verified by the full-wave simulation results of the mechanical design model.
Keywords:  axion      haloscope      microwave cavity  
Received:  01 February 2024      Revised:  14 March 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  18 March 2024
PACS:  42.60.Da (Resonators, cavities, amplifiers, arrays, and rings)  
  95.35.+d (Dark matter)  
Fund: Project supported in part by the Equipment Development Project for Scientific Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. YJKYYQ20190049), the Innovation Program for Quantum Science and Technology (Grant No. 2021ZD0301800), and the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2022YFA1603904).
Corresponding Authors:  Yun Wu     E-mail:

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Chi Zhang(张驰), Jia Wang(王佳), Chunguang Li(李春光), Shiguang Chen(陈石广), Hang Cheng(程航), Liang Sun(孙亮), and Yun Wu(吴云) High-frequency microwave cavity design for high-mass dark matter axion searches 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 054211

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