Quadratic interaction effect on the dark energy density in the universe
Derya G Deveci1,2, Ekrem Aydiner1
1. Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, İstanbul University, Fatih Tr-34134, İstanbul, Turkey; 2. Department of Opticianry, Altınbaş University, Tr-34144 İstanbul, Turkey
Abstract In this study, we deal with the holographic model of interacting dark components of dark energy and dark matter quadratic case of the equation of state parameter (EoS). The effective equations of states for the interacting holographic energy density are derived and the results are analyzed and compared with the solution of the linear form in the literature. The result of our work shows that the value of interaction term between dark components affects the fixed points at far future in the DE-dominated universe in the case of quadratic EoS parameter; it is a different result from the linear case in the theoretical results in the literature, and as the Quintom scenario the equations of state had coincidence at the cosmological constant boundary of -1 from above to below.
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