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Chinese Physics, 2003, Vol. 12(8): 899-904    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/12/8/315

Dynamical properties of two-band superlattices with strong interband coupling in real space under the action of ac and dc-ac fields

Duan Su-Qing (段素青), Wang Zhi-Gang (王志刚), Zhao Xian-Geng (赵宪庚)
Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, P O Box 8009(26), Beijing 100088, China
Abstract  Within a two-band tight-binding model driven by ac and dc-ac electric fields, using numerical methods, we investigate the dynamics of electrons and the quasi-energy spectrum of the system with strong interband coupling in real space. We find that when the bandwidth is suppressed to a value much smaller than the field frequency, the dynamical localization can exist in the system. The corresponding regions are found for the occurrence of dynamical localization in the parameter space.
Keywords:  dynamical localization      quasi-energy spectrum      strong coupling  
Received:  20 December 2002      Revised:  10 March 2003      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  73.21.Cd (Superlattices)  
  73.40.-c (Electronic transport in interface structures)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10274007), and a grant of the China Academy of Engineering and Physics.

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Duan Su-Qing (段素青), Wang Zhi-Gang (王志刚), Zhao Xian-Geng (赵宪庚) Dynamical properties of two-band superlattices with strong interband coupling in real space under the action of ac and dc-ac fields 2003 Chinese Physics 12 899

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